Trial: Development of Functional Uniform for FEHD based on High Performance Sportswear and Devices

This project develops functional uniform for Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) street cleansing teams with reference to the technology developed from the parent project “High Performance Sportswear and Devices for Hong Kong’s Athletes ”. These uniforms are developed with proper selection of fabric materials and ergonomic design considering the thermal and biomechanics requirements for workers under various working environments. The uniform set includes coat, jacket, and pants, aiming at enhancing breathability, comfortability, water proof ability, high breathability and visibility and weight and costs. 


Applying the technology and parameters of high-performance sportswear and devices to develop these sets of uniform by selecting suitable materials and testing their physical properties to achieve high visibility, rain protection, and breathability.

Industry Benefit

These functional uniform aims to enhance high visibility for workers’ safety, while producing comfortable and durable clothing at reasonable cost. 

Technological Breakthrough

This set of uniform will be used in rainy seasons to provide physiological protection and psychological comfort for the contractual staff when working outdoors. Fabrics with excellent waterproofness, breathability, and durability are selected to develop the uniform with ergonomic design and cutting for better fitting and thermoregulation, added with reflective and chromatic materials to enhance visibility. 

Project Name (ITF)

Trial: High Performance Sportswear and Devices- Development of Functional Uniform for FEHD

Project Number (ITF)
