The aim of Public Sector Trial Scheme (PSTS) is to provide funding support for production of prototypes/samples and/or conducting of trials in the public sector to facilitate and promote the realisation and commercialisation of research and development (R&D) results under platform, seed or partnership projects. Use of samples/prototypes and conducting of trials are confined to the public sector which includes Government bureaux and departments, public bodies, non-profit-making trade associations, charitable organisations. As a general rule, funding support not exceeding the actual cost of the original R&D project can be provided for such purpose.

The aim of the Platform Research Program is to carry out industry-oriented applied R&D projects with potential for commercialisation. Support from at least one industry sponsors who should make a cash or in-kind contribution of at least 10% of the total project cost is required.

The aim of the Partnership Research Program is to support applied research and development (R&D) projects undertaken by HKRITA or designated local public research institutes in collaboration with companies. The industry co-applicant must collaborate with a local public research institute and contribute no less than 51% of the total project cost in cash or in-kind.

The aim of the Seed Research Program is to carry out projects which are exploratory and forward-looking in nature. The maximum funding support is $2.8 million and the duration of the project should normally not exceed 18 months. Industry sponsorship requirement is not mandatory but is still encouraged as an indication of the potential market needs and interest. It is a special funding arrangement under Platform Research Programme.

The aim of Contract Research Program is to conduct consultancy and research services with private companies on a specific topic on a full cost recovery basis.