Multi-functional Uniform (multi purpose overcoat & shoes)

This project is aimed at enhancing the performance of three prevailing staff uniform items of Correctional Services Department (CSD), namely Windproof Jacket, Multi-purpose Overcoat and Waterproof and Water Vapour Permeable Shoe, which made with durable functional fabrics inherited with key technical features of waterproof, water vapour permeable and/or windproof. This will be achieved through the utilization of innovative functional materials and/or technologies readily and easily accessible in local market. Fabric, garment and shoe lining evaluations will be conducted including objective laboratory tests, sweating manikin test and wearer trial of prototypes. Three new sets of viable technical specifications of functional fabrics with enhanced features will be derived and recommended for onwards adoption by CSD to substitute the current ones by end 2012. The project will be based on the fundamental knowledge gained from the fundamental research and the partnership with the Correctional Service Department. the parent prject of this captioned project is: Development of Innovative Apparel products and Evaluation (ITS-028-03), ITF funding: HKD 4,923,972.

Advanced evaluation systems developed by HKRITA or the research institutes such as Fabric Touch Tester, CAD Simulation System, Walter™ Sweating Manikin and Climatic Chamber were applied to provide accurate data simulating human body’s sensory responses to the fabric or external environment. Addition to the production of uniforms, some projects also lay down a set of technical specification for the departments’ further purchase.

HKRITA once worked with the Correctional Services Department, Fire Services Department, Marine Police and Food and Environmental Hygiene Department to develop their uniform with consideration of their unique work environments respectively. In these projects, a series of meticulous tests, analysis and evaluation on functions like tensile strength, waterproof and windproof were conducted to select the most suitable fabric.

Project Name (ITF)
Development of Innovation Apparel Products and Evaluation Technologies for CSD Uniform Apparels
Project Number (ITF)